The Office of Faculty Affairs is responsible for oversight and management of topics related to faculty. This includes management of the faculty search process, faculty appointments, reappointments, promotions and tenure status and faculty governance. We also support the School of Dentistry Executive Committee and Appointment, Promotions and Tenure Committee, as well as the academic departments and faculty in the appointment and promotion processes.


Policies for Appointment, Promotion and Tenure (APT)
Faculty track definitions, ranks and criteria

Office of Research Guidelines for Appointments and Promotions of Research Track Faculty
Office of Vice President for Research (OVPR)


Resolution of Dispute

University of Michigan Faculty Ombuds - The Office of the Ombuds is a confidential, impartial, informal and independent resource for information or conflict management that serves all faculty members of the University of Michigan Ann Arbor campus community. The Office assists those who seek guidance with the resolution of academic or administrative issues and disputes that are not being adequately addressed through other University processes, and is a safe place to express concerns.

UM Faculty Handbook on Resolution and Dispute


Leave of Absence

U-M Faculty Handbook - Paid and unpaid extended time off due to personal circumstances or time off that may enhance the professional effectiveness of the faculty.

Sabbatical Leave

A sabbatical provides an opportunity for an intensive program of research and/or study to enhance effectiveness to U-M as a teacher and scholar. Tenured instructional faculty who have completed six years of service in regular professorial ranks at the University are eligible.

Faculty need to Apply for Sabbatical Leave.

For more information, see the Standard Practice Guide 201.30-2

Procedures for Faculty Retirement, Emeritus/Emerita Status

Visit Faculty Retirement, Emeritus/Emerita section on MiTools Faculty Affairs page.

For more information, see the U-M Faculty Handbook.


Standard Practice Guide (SPGs) - This document sets expectations for individual and organizational behavior for employees and departments.

Office of the Provost - Provides academic and budgetary policy and initiatives. Information on faculty handbook, appointment and promotion guidelines.

Board of Regents Bylaws - The Regent’s have general supervision of the institution and the control and direction of all expenditures from the institutions funds. The Regents have general powers of the university Bylaws. The Bylaws are the rules initiated by University authorities which entail the more important matters of the general university organization.

Faculty and Staff Counseling and Consultation Office (FASCCO) - Offers a confidential and professional resource for dealing with personal or work related issues.

Center for Research on Learning and Training (CRLT) - CRLT offers a variety of resources for teach strategies including resources for first day of class, class and teaching assessment and evaluations, teaching with technology, multicultural teaching and more.

Faculty Development - Here you will find a variety of resources to aid your continuing professional development as an educator, including a schedule of school of dentistry programs.

Faculty Job Opportunities

University of Michigan Faculty Handbook

Faculty and Staff Assistant Program

Family Friendly Policies, Programs, Services and Benefits for Faculty at the U of M


Professor and Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs
734-615-5795 |

Associate Director for Faculty Affairs
734-615-6339 |

Administrative Assistant Senior
734-763-3310 |

Administrative Assistant Senior
734-615-6345 |